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自青藏铁路通车以来,其冻土地区铁路路基的融沉冻胀病害层出不穷,铁路路基过渡段的差异沉降问题尤为严重。基于一般地区铁路路基过渡段差异沉降的治理方法,结合冻土区铁路路基的主动降温措施,对冻土区铁路路基过渡段施工结构进行了探索性的改进研究,并对改进后铁路路基过渡段的长期热稳定性进行了分析。结果表明:将传统块碎石铁路路基上层路基填料换填成一定高度的单一粒径碎石,可使铁路路基在满足力学稳定性的前提下,实现最大限度的自然对流换热效应;通过数值模拟计算分析发现,改进后的铁路路基过渡段结构在气温变暖的环境背景下主动降温效果明显,且长期热稳定性好;桥台对铁路路基过渡段的温度场影响较大,建议对受太阳辐射强烈的桥台进行保温处理。  相似文献   
In this paper, a numerical approach for the prediction of vibrations induced in buildings due to railway traffic in tunnel is proposed. The numerical method is based on a sub-structuring approach, where the train is simulated by a multi-body model; the track–tunnel–ground system is modeled by a 2.5D FEM–PML approach; and the building by resource to a 3D FEM method. The coupling of the building to the ground is established taking into account the soil–structure-interaction (SSI). The methodology proposed allows dealing with the three-dimensional characteristics of the problem with a reasonable computational effort. Using the proposed model, a numerical study is developed in order to better discern the impact of the use of floating slabs systems for the isolation of vibrations in the tunnel on the dynamic response of a building located in the surrounding of the tunnel. The comparison between isolated and non-isolated scenarios allowed concluding that the mats stiffness is a key parameter on the efficiency of floating slab systems. Furthermore, it was found that the selection of the stiffness of the mats should be performed carefully in order to avoid amplification of vertical vibrations of the slabs of the building.  相似文献   
This paper outlines an experimental analysis of ground-borne vibration levels generated by high speed rail lines on various earthwork profiles (at-grade, embankment, cutting and overpass). It also serves to provide access to a dataset of experimental measurements, freely available for download by other researchers working in the area of railway vibration (e.g. for further investigation and/or the validation of vibration prediction models).First, the work outlines experimental investigations undertaken on the Belgian high speed rail network to investigate the vibration propagation characteristics of three different embankment conditions. The sites consist of a 5.5 m high embankment, an at-grade section and a 7.2 m deep cutting. The soil material properties of each site are determined using a ‘Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves’ technique and verified using refraction analysis. It is shown that all sites have relatively similar material properties thus enabling a generalised comparison.Vibration levels are measured in three directions, up to 100 m from the track due to three different train types (Eurostar, TGV and Thalys) and then analysed statistically. It is found that contrary to commonly accepted theory, vertical vibrations are not always the most dominant, and that horizontal vibrations should also be considered, particularly at larger offsets. It is also found that the embankment earthworks profile produced the lowest vibration levels and the cutting produced the highest. Furthermore, a low (positive) correlation between train speed and vibration levels was found. A selection of the results can be downloaded from www.davidpconnolly.com.  相似文献   
姚宏乐 《中国沙漠》2015,35(3):555-564
新建敦煌-格尔木铁路途经库姆塔格沙漠东部的沙山沟,沟内沙源非常丰富,高大沙丘广布,其风沙危害对铁路造成了严重威胁。本研究选择党河上游流动沙丘和黑山嘴流动沙丘两个具有代表性的高大沙丘区域,系统调查与观测了该区域高大沙丘土壤水分、植被、风沙环境和风沙危害,在掌握和分析两试验区环境特征的基础上,在党河上游流动沙丘区建立以工程措施为主的风沙防治试验示范区,在黑山嘴流动沙丘区建立工程与生物相结合的风沙防治试验示范区。研究旨在取得敦煌-格尔木铁路途经高大沙丘区风沙防护的相关工程经验,合理确定风沙防治措施,为铁路通过该区的风沙防护提供了理论依据和实践参考,对保证敦煌-格尔木铁路安全畅通运营具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Based on data monitored in situ and theoretical analysis,the characteristics of the temperature field and mechanism of thermal conduction of a crushed rock embankment were studied along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.The results of experi-ments in the field revealed that the cooling effect of a crushed rock embankment is influenced mainly by the natural con-vection in winter and shield effect in summer,the ventilation of crushed rocks,and the ground temperature regime be-neath the embankment.Consequently,these three factors should be taken into account in numerical simulations,but it is as a result of natural convection only.  相似文献   
青藏铁路察尔汗盐湖段风沙活动特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
鲍锋  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2017,37(4):621-625
研究青藏铁路沿线的风沙活动特征,可以为认识高原铁路风沙危害的形成机理、建立完善有效的护路防沙体系提供参考。在实地考察风沙地貌的基础上,架设测风塔获取风况信息,采集了沙丘表层沉积物样品,对铁路沿线察尔汗盐湖段的风动力条件、沙丘沉积物粒度特征和沙丘形态特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)研究区域年平均风速为3.7 m·s-1,风速最大值出现在春季。起沙风以WNW方向为主,属于中风能环境,低风向变率,宽单峰型风况。合成输沙方向(298.14°)与铁路走向(208.86°)垂直相交。稳定的西北风、风沙流与铁路线路走向垂直的风况特征是青藏铁路沙害形成的动力条件。(2)沉积物以中沙、细沙为主,但细沙组分占优;分选性较好,粒径分布表现出与铁路线越近、颗粒越粗的规律。粒径0.063~0.04 mm的沙粒为青藏铁路风沙危害提供了物质条件。(3)铁路线两侧沙丘分布特征及变化指示该路段风沙活动强烈,现有防沙体系退化严重,风沙危害日益突出。  相似文献   
通过对规划中的敦-格铁路沙山沟段两侧沙漠地貌的实地调查,发现沙山沟两侧形似高大复合型沙山的地貌,实为阿尔金山前洪积扇前缘的冲洪积、冲湖积平原受构造抬升后剥蚀而形成的剥蚀丘陵台地覆盖流沙所致。由于下伏地形十分稳定,因此,沙山沟两侧沙山不会发生整体移动,也就不会对敦-格铁路造成威胁。再结合气象资料计算了沙山沟的最大可能输沙量及输沙方向,结果表明,输沙方向与铁路基本平行,同时微地形造成的顺谷风有清沙和导沙的作用。最后分段讨论了该区域内可能存在的沙害及其影响,认为该地区风沙灾害可防可治,铁路可以通过,并且提出了防治沙害的有效措施。  相似文献   
青藏铁路错那湖段沙害防治措施研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
通过分析青藏铁路错那湖段气候特征、地质地貌、植被、沙丘分布及特征的基础上,分析了该地段铁路沙害的类型与成因,并对近年来在青藏铁路错那湖段采用的固沙和阻沙工程防沙措施进行了评价。从工程性价比、风沙流成因和防护效果的综合角度出发,提出了采用尼龙网沙障、混凝土沙障、活动板挡沙栅栏、截沙沟等阻沙措施和卵(碎)石覆盖沙面、覆膜沙袋沙障等固沙措施以及植物措施相结合防沙措施的建议,这种防沙体系的结构配置对该地段铁路沙害防治具有重要的指导意义,对青藏高原其他地区的铁路、公路防沙也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
青藏铁路冻区盐渍土热特性及力学性能分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
路基冻胀、融沉是在青藏铁路经常遇到的现象,在盐渍土分布的冻区更为明显。运用TG-DSC技术对冻区盐渍土热特性进行分析并研究环境变化对冻土强度的影响,结果表明:易溶盐对盐渍土热特性有着重要影响,随含水率增大影响愈剧烈;冻结强度随着含水率的增大而增大,随冻结温度的降低而升高。所得结论对掌握青藏铁路盐渍土地区冻土工程冻胀、融沉特性有着指导意义。  相似文献   
青藏铁路典型路段风沙灾害现状与机械防沙效益估算   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
通过对青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段沿线风沙灾害的实地调查,发现该路段风沙灾害具有时空分布相对集中,沙源复杂多样,以轻微沙害为主,潜在危害严重的特征。对红梁河、北麓河、沱沱河、扎加藏布和错那湖段等典型路段的沙害进行现场实测,并结合Google Earth影像分析,利用三棱锥柱和趋势模拟的计算方法,估算出重点地段主要防沙设施的积沙量约为1.32×105 m3,为制定更加有效的防沙体系提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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